Divine Balance – The Sacred Union of the Divine Feminine and Masculine

The healing work that I do with clients often is focused on healing wounds to the Divine Feminine aspect of a person, so I thought I’d talk about balance in regards to the energies of The Divine Feminine and Divine masculine.

Many in our world believe that there is a war between men and women. Many look to a glass ceiling or the gap between pay for jobs traditionally held by women v. jobs traditionally held by men to support this supposition. Most are failing to realize that the so-called war between the sexes is not really about men v. women or the value of male jobs v. female jobs, or even male workers v. female workers. Perhaps those can be the outer world reflections of what is going on within each of us. Maybe it is really about the struggle we all have to balance the male and female aspects within ourselves.

We all have the Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine within.  The key is balance – yin and yang.  All life is created out of the union of two principles – Masculine and Feminine or energy and consciousness. These two principles exist within the larger field of Divine love which is the very fabric of the entire universe. When using the terms ‘masculine’ and ‘feminine’ principles it’s not talking about men and women but rather different ‘qualities’ – that of energy and consciousness – energy is the feminine principle and consciousness the masculine principle. These qualities are needed in balance in each of us for our full potential to be realized individually and collectively.

I feel our fullest potential is found in the weaving and balancing of the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine energies within ourselves.  Both men and women carry feminine and masculine wisdom and tools.  However, sometimes one or both of these energies is out of balance, silenced, wounded, misunderstood or disrespected.  Men and women throughout time have been BOTH the oppressor and the oppressed. Often it is the self-created oppression of our feelings, wisdom, power, beauty, truth or love that is the ultimate betrayal.  Regardless of your past experiences and choices, you always have the option of embracing each of these energies where they are, and understanding what they need to become more whole and integrated within you for a more balanced Divine version of yourself.

The Healthy Divine Feminine offers tenderness, wisdom, patience, nurturing, flexibility and fertility.  Out of balance and ignored, she loses self-respect, discernment and the ability to love herself. “Her” nature is to love you, guide you, honor you and nurture you.  She is creative and playful and loves to be in nature.  Your Divine Feminine is also the midwife to all that you are here to birth ideas, businesses, children, art, books, or products.  She supports the whole process of seed planting,

The Healthy Divine Masculine is fearless, courageous and loyal.  “He” is our guardian protector.  When in balance, the masculine protector does no harm.  His gentle strength brings harmony and peace to where there was conflict and separation.  He knows his power but does not abuse or misuse it.  He is a leader and is not afraid to speak the truth even if others disagree.  He is courageously fierce in standing for what is right. The Divine Masculine is not afraid of the unknown.  He enjoys adventure and exploring new territory.  He believes in himself and knows he will succeed if his intentions are clear and actions aligned.  The unhealthy masculine is stagnant, stifled, afraid to fail or an overpowering bully.  When you heal those parts of “him” that are hurt, stifled or misunderstood and you team Him with the love and wisdom of the Divine Feminine, the combination is pure perfection.

Perhaps we’re working on understanding and unifying the feminine and masculine poles within ourselves, refining our balance, understanding where our anger is, where our hurt is, what our memories of relationships do to us, and where our weakness lies. But, as I see it, damage will continue to be done until we can refine our outer masculine/feminine relationships and use tenderness, generosity and respect as the ground on which we stand with each other.

When we allow a balanced expression of both energies, we are living and expressing from the True Self and our lives are in the flow.   We can use the Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine within us each and every day to live a life of balance, joy, peace and true fulfillment. When working in harmony, the Sacred Union of the Divine Feminine and Masculine can unite, heal and create ANYTHING!!!  The synergy created by this balanced union moves the forces of creation into manifestation.  The love that is possible when birthed from this union is that of the unconditional sacred heart of Divine Source.  By balancing, healing, honoring and integrating our Divine Feminine and Masculine energies, we write a new future for ourselves, humanity and this planet.

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